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Facilities Condition Assessment Services

The Approved Suppliers listed below have entered into an agreement with the University of Toronto to provide facilities condition assessment services. Contracts are valid until May 31, 2027.

Services include but are not limited to:

  • Financial scenarios for renewing and upgrading facilities
  • Comprehensive facility deficiency reports, which include:
    • mitigation strategies
    • detailed descriptions of repair methodologies
    • material requirements and preliminary budgetary information
  • Recommendations for repairs, renewals and replacements

Pricing Guide & SOW Template

A Pricing Guide can be used to determine ceiling (i.e. maximum) rates from each supplier as provided in the Master Agreement. However departments can request and negotiate a better discounted price for individual assignments.

A Statement of Work (SOW) template can be used as the contract document. The SOW should include any additional requirements (e.g. increased insurance or safety requirements), policies, and the financial submission (i.e. pricing). The final negotiated SOW should be signed by the authorized University staff or faculty member and the supplier.

How to Order

Ordering & Payment Methods
$0 – $9,999.99 PCard, Certified Invoice, FIS Purchase Order 1
$10,000 – $99,999.99 FIS Purchase Order 1
$100,000 + Contact Procurement Services
* Dollar thresholds are exclusive of taxes

Approved Suppliers

Supplier Contact Information
Cion Coulter Corp. Evan Shkolnik
(416) 926-4334

FCAPX a Division of Roth IAMS Ltd. Bill Roth
(416) 700-6678

Nadine International Inc. Ajwad Gebara
(905) 602-1850