Travel and Hospitality Card
The Scotiabank Visa Travel and Hospitality Card (T&H Card) is the most cost effective method of financing University travel and hospitality related expenses.
The T&H Card provides faculty and staff with a wide variety of travel insurance benefits including flight and baggage delay, car rental theft and damage, and hotel/motel burglary compensation. It should only be used for U of T business purposes for travel and hospitality related expenditures, and should not be used as a substitute for the Purchasing Card (PCard) or the accounts payable process.
For more information, see Travel and Other Reimbursable Expenses – Policies and Guidelines.
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CentreSuite is the online card management tool for Scotiabank Visa, where cardholders can view account activity, download monthly statements*, and make payments. See the CentreSuite Quick Reference Guide for more information.
*Cardholders will also receive monthly statements via email.
Payments, Statements, and Late Fees
Cardholder Payment with Expense Reimbursement
Cardholders can make payments to Scotiabank directly using CentreSuite, or their personal online banking. For complete details on travel and hospitality reimbursement procedures, see Travel and Other Reimbursable Expenses – Policies and Guidelines.
Departmental FIS Payments
In rare circumstances, it may be necessary for payments to Scotiabank to be made directly by a University department on behalf of the cardholder. In these cases standard reimbursement rules apply with respect to approvals (i.e. employee certification and one-up approval) and only those items covered in the Guide to Financial Management can be approved and charged to U of T accounts.
For more information on setting up a departmental FIS payment, see this FAST KnowledgeCentre article.
Monthly Statements
Monthly statements will be emailed to cardholders; they will also be available through CentreSuite.
Late Fees
Cardholders are expected to pay the balance in full by the statement due date.
Payments not made within 60 days of the statement date will incur a $29 past due fee for each month with an outstanding balance. The University is not responsible and will not reimburse any delinquency charges.
After 90 days the card will be suspended until the outstanding balance has been paid.
Change or Cancel a Card
Download the Travel & Hospitality Card Change form, and send completed form with required authorization signatures to Please allow 3 business days for processing.
Types of Changes:
- Card Cancellation
- Card Limit Increase/Decrease
- Address Change
Lost/Stolen, Expiring, or Inactive Cards
Lost or Stolen Cards: report immediately to Scotiabank at 1-888-823-9657.
Expiring Cards: Cards are valid up until the last day of the expiration month. Scotiabank will mail the new card directly to the cardholder. If the new card is not received by expiry date, contact Scotiabank at 1-888-823-9657. All cardholders must provide a current University of Toronto address to which cards will be mailed. Note: ensure expired cards are properly cut and disposed.
Inactive Cards: As a security measure, Scotiabank will cancel all Visa cards that show no activity after a twelve (12) month period. If your card was cancelled, you can reapply for a new card.
Billing Inquiries and Charge Disputes
Scotiabank customer service representatives are available 24/7 at 1-888-823-9657.