Getting Started
All active staff and faculty have access to uSOURCE, the University’s online marketplace, using their UTORid and password.
The default role in uSOURCE is Shopper; a Shopper can view supplier catalogues and create shopping carts, which are then assigned to a Requisitioner or a Requisitioner/Approver. For more information on user permissions, see uSOURCE User Roles.
To request additional permissions:
Requisitioner Permissions
To request the Requisitioner role and permissions, send an email to your campus contact with the following details: First and Last name, UTORid, and a list of the Funds Centers you need access to.
St. George:
Approver Permissions
To request the Approver role and permissions (i.e. ability to approve orders), a uSOURCE Funds Center Approval Workflow form must be completed and signed by the appropriate budget owner (or delegate).
See Funds Center Approval Workflow.